Episode 74 04.07.21 “We’re no longer afraid to be Black” Before the Panthers, this group was the vanguard Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 73 02.27.21 “We’re uncovering a lost civilization” A look at the New Deal’s local legacy Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 72 02.11.21 BART, bathhouses & beyond The friendship behind “The Cruising Diaries” Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 71 01.15.21 “We were here before California was a state” Talking Latino history with Jose Rivera Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 70 12.29.20 “It was like a carnival” The betrayal of Oakland’s 1946 General Strike Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 69 12.04.20 Goodbye, Telegraph Avenue An audio time capsule of the past decade Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 68 11.06.20 “We’re not selling a neighborhood” A new guidebook spotlights landmarks of conflict and resilience Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 67 10.08.20 “A home burned every 11 seconds” A deadly tragedy that could happen again Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 65 08.18.20 Why Dorothea Lange still matters Q&A with Oakland Museum's Drew Johnson Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics
Episode 64 07.24.20 “How you organize that rage” Challenging the police before Black Lives Matter Topics: Berkeley, Education, Oakland, Politics