Episode 18 01.08.19 “They knew it was a lie” Exposing the cover-up behind Japanese-American mass incarceration Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 17 01.08.19 “Where are those ancestors now?” How battles over sacred sites have revived Ohlone culture Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 16 01.08.19 Bruce Lee’s Oakland years From a legendary fight to a new philosophy Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 13 01.07.19 The rise and fall of the Oakland Ku Klux Klan "They didn’t need to hide anymore" Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 12 01.07.19 California’s only black whaling captain William Shorey’s journey from sailor to celebrity Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 11 12.27.18 10,000 years of Oakland, 1 piece of land From colonization to redlining to rebranding Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 10 12.27.18 “We were in liberation education” Exploring the lost lessons of the Black Panthers’ school Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 8 12.27.18 Goodbye to the “flying saucer” Why many Oaklanders are taking the demolition of a diner personally Topics: Oakland, Politics
Episode 7 12.27.18 Before “1984” & “Hunger Games” How the first modern dystopian novel was born in Oakland sweatshops Topics: Oakland, Politics